Ellis Senior Projects Explore Wellness, STEM Education, Sports, Art and More

澳门新葡新京官方的高年级学生萨拉·伍德赛德和萨里娜·普雷特喜欢在阿姆·斯莱奇的学前班上学. It’s where they learned to read, 他们在那里表演了无数他们想象中的冒险场景.
今年4月,当他们回到澳门新葡新京官方低年级时,他们与澳门新葡新京官方低年级的学生们创造了新的回忆. 雪橇的教室, this time to read “Frida and the Missing Yarn,” a book they wrote and illustrated for their senior projects. It was a full-circle moment for the girls and their teacher; Ms. Sledge now teaches Kindergarten, 同时也是萨拉和萨琳娜姐姐洛丽·伍德赛德21年级的学前班老师, 还有23岁的汉娜·普雷特.

“Ms. Sledge has always kept in contact with all of us, 澳门新葡新京官方的特别之处在于,我仍然能看到我在澳门新葡新京官方职业生涯中的所有老师,萨拉说. “They remember specific things that you really loved at certain ages. 在艾利斯, 你可以和我们的老师建立如此良好的联系,感受到如此多的善意和鼓励. 回去很有趣.”

莎拉, inspired by the picture books she enjoyed as a child, has wanted to write one of her own for a long time. 这个高级项目让她和艺术家萨里纳(sarina)有机会在毕业前再一起做一个项目. They began developing the story and drafting illustrations last summer, 他们每个人全年都与各自行业的当地导师合作,指导他们完成起草和出版过程.

The end result is the adventurous tale of a cat named Frida, 谁失去了她最喜欢的纱线球,并踏上了一段充满毅力和想象力的旅程去寻找它. The seniors self-published the book through Barnes & 高尚的澳门官方老葡京. 莎拉 said they learned a lot from the experience, including how to keep the story line focused and relatable for children. 而且,她说,在这个过程结束时,把书拿在手里是非常有益的.

“I’d wanted to do this for a long time, 在高级项目中,我们有了最后期限和标准,所以更容易跟上进度,萨拉说. “我们很感激能够灵活地做一些既能影响社区又能满足我们自己的事情.”

Promoting Mindfulness In Young Black Women Via Vinyasa Yoga
她的研究表明,有色人种的年轻女性普遍缺乏心理健康支持, Nadia想回馈社会,为学生提供一个释放压力的地方,学习如何将正念融入他们的生活. 处理 神奇瑜伽工作室 和导师凯伦·康利, and drawing on her own vinyasa yoga practice, 她在Amazing yoga Studio和Ellis为年轻黑人女性开设并教授瑜伽课程.

STEAM Education Through LEGO Pointillism Workshops
Drawing on her interest in the relationship between art, 科学, 和工程, 娜塔莉创建了讲习班,帮助孩子们通过用乐高积木构建艺术来探索被称为点彩主义的绘画技术. She worked with mentors Nowell Webster and Hope Gillespie of 卡内基科学中心 to lead workshops at the Science Center for children.

Revamping the Field Hockey Summer Schedule Through An App
As an Ellis field hockey player, 丽塔知道做好比赛准备的重要性——即使是在淡季——所以她开发了一个应用程序来帮助学生们保持最佳状态. Students can access week-by-week workout schedules, information about injury prevention, 与队友沟通, and chart their progress in the app. 澳门新葡新京官方的曲棍球队员一直在使用它,她希望它能被转移到澳门新葡新京官方的其他运动队. Her mentor was personal trainer Leah Wells.

Guarding the Glow: Enhancing Sun Protection for Ellis Athletes
汉娜将对皮肤病学领域的兴趣投入到一个专注于学生运动员防晒的项目中. She shadowed dermatologist Dr. Anthony Van Norman to learn more about the field, 并正在为学生运动员开发有关防晒意识和最佳实践的材料.

Helping the Heart of the Community: A Gurdwara Cleanup Project
贾思敏努力回馈她的宗教社区,提供她的技能,以促进清洁和重组她的gurdwarva中几个重要的社区空间, a place of assembly and worship for Sikhs. 处理 her language teacher, Ravinder梅塔, she cleaned and reorganized the kitchen, 教室, and other community spaces within the gurdwara, making these spaces more efficient for education and community gatherings.

Livia volunteered as a companion at 温伯格露台, a local aging care community, where she read to the residents, conducted activities such as bingo, and coordinated performances for residents. 这项工作与她所做的关于长期护理机构的居民对抗抑郁症的研究有关. She also coordinated the Ellis 较低的学校’s Kindness Crew, 由学前班学生组成, to create colorful seasonal crafts to decorate the Terrace.

Curating Community: Creating A Zine from Collective Student Art Submissions 
Isabel showcased Pittsburgh’s student artists by creating a zine, 或者手工制作的, self-published print magazine. She volunteered at Pittsburgh’s Irma Freeman Center for Imagination, and was mentored by IFCI Director Sheila Ali for her project. Isabel collected submissions from students at Ellis, 匹兹堡卡帕, 并在匹兹堡的艺术家图像资源公司组装杂志.

Community Outreach Through Basketball
Basketball is important to Kalliope克里斯蒂安; she plays for Ellis, 但她也知道这款游戏对于在她的东正教教堂内建立社区有多特别. She participated in this program at her church growing up and, 在COVID-19大流行之后, wanted to rejuvenate the program. 她的社区外展项目旨在帮助孩子们在享受篮球的同时与他们的教会社区保持联系.

Worm it Up: An Educational Composting and Sustainability Journey
弗兰尼通过教育澳门新葡新京官方社区的人做一些个人可以产生影响的事情来应对气候变化:堆肥. With guidance from her mentor, Laura Totin Codori, Founder and CEO of 蠕虫返回, she developed educational programming for Ellis PreK students, helped form the 中学 branch of Ellis’ Environmental Club, and visited those classes to teach students about composting, 食物浪费, 可持续的方式, and other environmental topics.

Liadan McElfresh
Encouraging 职业生涯 in STEM Through Early STEAM Education
Liaden’s project focused on the importance of STEAM education: 科学, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学. With her mentor Tany Haynes, Afterschool Coordinator at 组装, 她为孩子们开设了工作坊,让他们通过建造或创造一些东西来探索各种科学主题. Topics included why animals hibernate, and building model cars.

与博士合作. 匹兹堡大学和匹兹堡UPMC儿童医院的Thomas Hooven说, Rebekah developed and taught a lab activity for Ellis 中学 students. 通过实验室, 她帮助学生学习如何使用革兰氏染色法来识别食物样本中的细菌. Related to her research in Dr. Hooven’s lab, Rebekah contributed as an author to the report 建立B群链球菌索引转座子突变文库,加快一种重要围产期病原体的遗传研究, 该研究于2023年11月发表在美国微生物学会的同行评审期刊上.

给 回来 to Those That Gave to Me; Working With the 匹兹堡女子合唱团
Sophia has long been a member of the 匹兹堡女子合唱团, 并选择通过协调筹款活动来帮助该组织支付旅行和巡演费用来回馈该组织. She worked with Kathryn Barnard, Artistic Director & Founder of PGC, to plan coordinate, and execute all aspects of the event. 索菲娅还自愿担任指挥,为在活动期间唱歌的孩子们伴奏.

Teaching Biology Concepts in Comic Form
增强型植被指数, a visual artist who also loves 科学, created a comic strip to help simplify difficult biology concepts. 她与导师Matt Teter和Ellis高中生物老师Kassie Wadsworth一起写作, 故事板, 制作一幅全彩连环漫画,探索澳门新葡新京官方三年级生物课程的主题, like how cells and the immune system work. She is also developing related activities.

Colors of Connection: Navigating Emotions through Art Walk Therapy
处理 Dana Kirkpatrick, founder of 平静的匹兹堡, 艾拉将她对神经科学和艺术的兴趣结合起来,在劳伦斯维尔的公共艺术品周围创造了一系列治疗性徒步旅行. 设计为单人拍摄, or with the company of a therapist, 这五个,, 10-, 20和60分钟的步行是为了减少焦虑,同时提供运动的机会. She also created a brochure for the tours.


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