
Upper School Curriculum

Intellectually Powerful

Our rich academic program builds a rock-solid core of knowledge and skills that our graduates repeatedly report prepares them exceptionally well for college.
澳门新葡新京官方的学生毕业时懂得如何学习, research, 为具有挑战性的问题提供创造性的解决方案, 写下并展示他们的想法, 在他们需要帮助的时候寻求帮助, 以及如何与不同的同事合作. They discover how they learn best as individuals and are steeped in an intellectually exciting learning environment where it’s cool to like big ideas. Our teachers work the magic of balancing just the right level of challenge and support. They believe that Ellis students learn best when they are right on the edge of their comfort zone.

Program of Study

Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Computer Science
Computer Science Seminar 选修课: 
Computer Science I & II; AP Computer Science A; Advanced Topics in Computer Science
World Literature I
World Literature II
American Literature
《澳门官方老葡京》 & Authorship: Examining Privilege in Literature OR AP English: Origin Story
World History I
World History II
History Elective
Voice & 视觉、数字工作室和公共演讲
Senior Projects
Pre-calculus/ Trigonometry, AP Calculus AB or BC, Calculus, or Statistics
Physical Education
Students are required to take a health seminar every year and to fulfill an athletic requirement every trimester.
Concepts of Physics
Science Elective
Students in grades 9–12 take at least one elective in either visual or performing arts per year.
World Language
学生必须完成西班牙语、法语或拉丁语三级课程. 提供四级和AP课程供继续学习.


List of 7 items.

  • 综合研究基础:数字工作室|九年级

    In this course, 学生培养良好的数字公民习惯, 培养对视觉素养的理解, 并熟练使用数码影像软件程序. Regular practice and skill-building in Adobe Creative Cloud programs broaden digital skill sets—including the creation of digital portfolios—and enable students to use design principles and elements to create powerful visual and audio projects. Students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge of a variety of digital tools and programs and to be reflective and innovative in their choices for appropriate ways to communicate a message.
  • Voice & Vision | Grade 9

    In Voice & 视野,学生问的问题“我是谁?和“我关心什么??" as they develop habits of advocacy and citizenship for the 21st century. 善用各种数码媒体及创意工具, students are encouraged to construct project-based initiatives addressing local and regional issues, 调查现实世界的问题和问题, 并提出解决方案. 与ALCOSAN的合作, 粉碎机自然保护区, 和星期六轻旅, 以及当地和区域专家的演讲, provide students with opportunities to investigate local issues as they develop tools of research, self-expression, design, collaboration, 以及成为社区变革者的坚持.
  • 社会艺术| 10年级

    本课程探讨视觉文化在我们世界中的作用. 有着深厚的西方艺术史基础, students explore interdisciplinary relationships between a variety of art forms and the ideas that shape them across history and place. 在协作的环境中工作, students interact with faculty from throughout the school and wider community to understand the connections between expression, power, religion, philosophy, and technology. Varied forms of assessment allow students to discover commonalities with other disciplines and explore aesthetics in a broad context.
  • 语境中的文化|十年级

    Culture in Context builds inquiry and response skills in a collaborative setting. Through a long-term, client-based project, students learn the specifics of the design thinking process as well as connect their experience to Ellis culture and history. 以增量步骤工作, 本课程培养重要的协作技能, 原型解决方案的使用, 以及频繁的结构化重复. Technologies, including video, vinyl cutting, and more, promote visual problem-solving.
  • 工程设计导论| 11年级

    This course will expose students to major concepts encountered in university engineering courses. Students develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions to various real-world challenges, 以及记录他们的工作和沟通解决方案. 学生专注于产生想法, 制作和测试模型, 沟通的结果, 同时满足真正客户的目标和需求. This course emphasizes group work as engineering is inherently a collaborative process. 学生应用数学中的概念和实践, lab science, 以及计算机科学课程和经验. 本课程以项目为基础, with community-oriented projects planned for the second and third trimesters.
  • 初级研讨会| 11年级

    Standardized test-taking skills and techniques are reviewed in this course. 让学生熟悉PSAT的内容领域, the SAT, and the ACT, 考试策略进行审查, 样本论文写作和评估, 并提供了在定时条件下进行测试的练习. In the second half of the year, the focus of this course turns to the college application process. Students spend several weeks exploring their interests and researching colleges. 学生们还利用跨学科的技能来制作简历, draft a college essay, 并探索大学申请的组成部分.
  • 高级研讨会| 12年级

    This course is designed to prepare seniors for their post-graduation lives. The first half of the course focuses on the college application process and is taught by the College Counseling Office. 一旦大学申请在年中完成, the course shifts into preparation for the transition to college and beyond. 本课程涉及跨学科, real-world topics and stresses the importance of making informed choices that can have a lasting effect on an individual.


List of 14 items.

  • AP Biology

  • AP Calculus AB

  • AP Calculus BC

  • AP Chemistry

  • AP比较政府 & Politics

  • AP计算机科学原理

  • AP European History

  • AP French

  • AP Latin

  • AP Physics

  • AP Spanish

  • AP Studio Art

  • AP Survey of Art

  • AP United States History

Fifteen additional AP courses are offered online through One Schoolhouse.


List of 24 items.

  • Art Now

  • Clayworks & Advanced Clayworks

  • Computer Science I & II

  • Digital Video

  • Economics

  • Glee Club

  • 历史研讨会:性别与权力

  • Honors String Ensemble

  • 人体解剖学与生理学

  • 解剖学和有机化学导论

  • 工程设计概论

  • Media Journalism

  • 现代家庭:短篇小说中的家庭结构

  • Musical Theater

  • Musicianship

  • Orchestra

  • 宾夕法尼亚初级科学院(PJAS)

  • Photography & Advanced Photography

  • Senior Studio Art

  • 短形式和长形式的即兴

  • Sketch Comedy Writing

  • Studio Art

  • 视觉艺术独立学习

  • 声音:大声唱给所有人听


Mini-courses are a time for Ellis girls to embrace new ideas, unwind, and have fun. 没有压力的体验, mini-courses give the Ellis Upper School community the opportunity to collaborate, reflect, 并在暑假前在一个愉快的环境中一起创新.
五月中旬的期末考试之后, the Upper School puts a pause on traditional academic courses and transitions into mini-courses for the final weeks of the school year. This spirited trimester offers a curriculum of non-academic courses across grade levels taught by Ellis teachers, outside experts, alumnae, 偶尔的学生. In mini-courses, 学生有时间完成个人项目, travel, 在体验式课程中探索潜在的激情, interdisciplinary, and community-based. In recent years, 学生们到俄罗斯学习旅行, England, France, Italy, Crow Canyon, Spain, and New York City.

Lauren Fajobi

Head of Upper School

在澳门新葡新京官方高中, the most significant advantage we provide is the all-girls environment, 什么能培养14到18岁女孩的自信. 我们强调的是领导力, voice, and intellectual risk-taking means that Ellis graduates walk out into the world as confident young women who are fully prepared for the challenges of college and careers. 随着学生在高中阶段的进步, their intellectual and social growth is fostered through exposure to a diverse curriculum, 选修课包括视觉艺术和表演艺术, 一个非常成功的运动项目, 以及一个蓬勃发展的活动项目. 社区参与是澳门新葡新京官方高中的一个标志. 通过与非营利组织的合作, for-profit, and research institutions, 我们的女孩从事有意义的实践, 基于项目的经验,帮助他们发现自己喜欢什么. Joyfulness, balance, and wellness are among our core community values. Our beloved mini-course program encourages lifelong curiosity and learning in topics such as yoga, self-defense, 妇女和法律的历史, 哲学概论, and financial literacy. Through social activities, dances, talent shows, music events, and plays, we develop deep friendships and celebrate each girl's unique contributions to our community.
